Sunday, June 17, 2012

Productivity Tactics Part 1

The truth is which if you're not successful, you won’t make money. Right here tend to be some ideas about the way to coordinate by yourself in addition to work with your time and effort in addition to additional sources to greatest benefits: 
1. Don’t get overwhelmed. Looking at everything you have to do at one 
    time can be discouraging, but 
     remind yourself you will soon  have it all done.
2. Organize your workspace. You’ll spend less time looking for what  
    you need.
3. Make sure the space is comfortable. You’ll work better when the surroundings are pleasant.
4. Double check to make sure you have what you need before you start. It will save a lot of time later.
5. Cut off contact with others while you work. This is especially important if you work at home.
6. Eliminate all distractions. That means no television in the background.
7. Eat healthy. You’ll be sharper if you get the nutrients you need each day.
8. Have a basic schedule for each day – that means no impromptu three-hour lunches.
9. Don’t skip lunches. You need the break to keep your productivity up in the afternoon.
10. Stop your day on time. Working into the night will make  tomorrow that much harder.
11. Get plenty of rest. Along with nutrition, this is the best thing you can do to keep yourself productive.
12. Start the day with a promise to yourself that you will get lots done.
13. Go to your work area even if you woke up in grumpy mood.
14. Make a list. When it is all down in black and white, your tasks seem less intimidating.
15. Prioritize the list. What has to be done first and what can wait until later?
16. Be realistic. You can’t cram twenty one-hour tasks into one day.
17. Know your body rhythm. If you are more alert in the afternoon,  schedule the bulk of your tasks then. If  
      you are a pretty even individual, schedule each hour of the workday accordingly.
18. Do the easy stuff at the top of the list first. Scratching off several action items will motivate you to keep 
19. Multi-task on the small stuff. It is okay to make a surf Twitter while you make phone calls.
20. Forget multi-tasking with the big stuff. Focus on one thing and get it done before moving on to the next.

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